Penguatan Model Rekayasa Bisnis Workshop Bengkel Sepeda Motor Listrik Konversi Guna Mendukung Program Langit Biru melalui Percepatan Adopsi/Difusi Kendaraan Listrik
Penulis : Muh. Hisjam,Renny Rochani,Yuniaristanto,Fakhrina Fahma,Roni Zakaria R,Yusuf Priyandari
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Luaran Penelitian Riset Grup RITE Guna Meningkatkan Pencapaian Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan di Program Studi Teknik Industri
Penulis : Renny Rochani,Muh. Hisjam,Yuniaristanto,Roni Zakaria R,Fakhrina Fahma,Yusuf Priyandari
.Factors Driving or Impeding the Diffusion and Adoption for Electrification of Transportation: Accelerating toward Net Zero Emission (NZE) and Capturing the Green Business in Indonesia
Penulis : Yuniaristanto,Renny Rochani
Exploring the determinants of intention to purchase electric Motorcycles: The role of national culture in the UTAUT
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Exploring the Factors Accelerating the Electric Motorcycle Adoptions: Insights from Theory of Planned Behavior and Travel Behavior
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Estimating the market share of electric motorcycles: A system dynamics approach with the policy mix and sustainable life cycle costs
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