Pengembangan Model Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Lokasi Alokasi Stasiun Tukar Baterai Berbasis Internet Of Things (iot) Untuk Mendukung Program Akselerasi Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik Berbasis Baterai (kblbb) Di Indonesia
Penulis : Wahyudi Sutopo
Bagaimana Implementasi Road Map P2M di FT dalam Dharma Pendidikan?
Penulis : Wahyudi Sutopo
Business Model Design for Cathode Material Manufacturer Startup Case Study: PT Polimikro Berdikari Nusantara
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Exploring the determinants of intention to purchase electric Motorcycles: The role of national culture in the UTAUT
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Dynamic open innovation to determine technology-based interoperability requirement for electric motorcycle swappable battery
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Exploring the Factors Accelerating the Electric Motorcycle Adoptions: Insights from Theory of Planned Behavior and Travel Behavior
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Estimating the market share of electric motorcycles: A system dynamics approach with the policy mix and sustainable life cycle costs
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Research Trends on Smart Connected Products in The Industry 4.0: A Systematic Literatur Review
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Factors Influencing Electric Motorcycle Adoption: A Logit Model Analysis
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