Peningkatan Sifat Biokomposit HDPE-Serat Enceng Gondok Melalui Penggunaan Dispersing Agent dan Perlakuan Kimia
Penulis : Bambang Kusharjanta
Workshop Digital Marketing untuk Santri Pondok Pesantren Wirausaha Yayasan Usaha Umat Karanganyar
Penulis : Bambang Kusharjanta,Dody Ariawan,Kuncoro Diharjo,Wahyu Purwo Raharjo
Pengembangan Bata Ringan Ramah Lingkungan Untuk Konstruksi Tahan Gempa Melalui Penggunaan Geogrid Dan Model Interlocking
Penulis : Bambang Kusharjanta
Inovasi Desain dan Material Lambung Kapal Tipe Catamaran sebagai Leisure Boat di Wilayah Perairan Indonesia Timur
Penulis : Bambang Kusharjanta,Purwadi Joko Widodo,Budi Santoso
International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Advanced Materials X (ICE-SEAM 2024)
Penulis : Dody Ariawan,Kuncoro Diharjo,Wijang Wisnu Raharjo,Bambang Kusharjanta,Heru Sukanto,Aditya Rio Prabowo
Arlink V1: Stationery Monitoring And Control Hama Hewan Berbasis Photovoltaic Dan Object Detection
Penulis : Purwadi Joko Widodo,Bambang Kusharjanta
Magnesium Addition and Treatment of Reinforcement Particles in Al6061 – Sea Sand Composite on Coefficients Friction and Wear Rate
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Structural Analysis of Designed Tubes under Axial Compression: Variations of Applied Temperature, Material Type, and Geometry Design
Influence of Water Immersion on Flexural and Impact Strength of Microcrystalline Cellulose-added Unsaturated Polyester-matriced Composites Strengthened by Untreated, Fumigated and Alkalized Cantala Fibers
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Evaluation of double-bottom structure performance under fire accident using nonlinear finite element approach
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The Effect of Heating Variations on the Mechanical Strength of Hyacinth Fibers
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The Effect of Adding MCC on the Mechanical Strength of the HDPE-Water Hyacinth Bio-Composite
Effect of Styrofoam Volume Fraction on the Bending Strength of Polyurethane Core
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Effect of Immersion on the Physical and Mechanical Properties of rHDPE Composite with Cantala Fiber Reinforcement
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A Design of Virtual Classrooms Through AI, ML and DL to Improve the Level of Learning
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