Rancang Bangun Solar Photovoltaic/electric Hybrid Vehicle (SPEHV) “AMV113 - The Missionary” Menggunakan Fluida Nano Tio2/water Sebagai Fluida Pendingin Motor Listrik Dan Photovoltaic Untuk Mendukung Proses Pengolahan Padi
Penulis : Agung Tri Wijayanta,Budi Santoso
Performansi Termal Liquid Jacket System Pada Bldc Motor Menggunakan Hybrid Nanofluids Al2o3-tio2/water
Penulis : Agung Tri Wijayanta,Budi Santoso
Performansi termal liquid jacket system pada BLDC motor menggunakan hybrid nanofluids Al2O3-TiO2/water
Penulis : Budi Santoso
Penerapan dan Manufaktur Gazebo Modular Cerdas untuk Stasiun Jaga dan Stasiun Otomasi Distribusi Air di Kebun Sayur Desa Puron, Kabupaten Sukoharjo
Penulis : Budi Santoso,Fitrian Imaduddin,Purwadi Joko Widodo,Raymundus Lullus Lambang G H,Joko Triyono
Study of ILSS (Interlaminar Shear Strength) of PLA and resin thermosetting due to post treatment as lamination composite enhacement
Penulis : Budi Santoso,Raymundus Lullus Lambang G H,Fitrian Imaduddin,Purwadi Joko Widodo,Joko Triyono
Pengembangan fluida nano dengan minyak mineral berbasis naphthenic sebagai heat transfer fluids (HTFs) untuk aplikasi transformator tenaga
Penulis : Agung Tri Wijayanta,Budi Santoso
Performansi termal liquid jacket system pada BLDC motor menggunakan hybrid nanofluids Al2O3-TiO2/water
Penulis : Agung Tri Wijayanta,Budi Santoso
Inovasi Desain dan Material Lambung Kapal Tipe Catamaran sebagai Leisure Boat di Wilayah Perairan Indonesia Timur
Penulis : Bambang Kusharjanta,Purwadi Joko Widodo,Budi Santoso
Python Sebagai Alternatif Piranti Lunak Pengganti Matlab dalam Pembelajaran Teknik Kontrol pada Jenjang Sarjana
Penulis : Didik Djoko Susilo,Budi Santoso
Thermal performance of Al2O3-TiO2/water hybrid nanofluids for cooling system using a helically coiled tube in a brushless direct current motor
link : https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10407782.2024.2314225?src=
The Impact of Varying Mixing Rates in a Surfactant-Free Fuel Emulsion Mixer on the Efficiency and Emissions of a Diesel Engine
link : https://journal.unimma.ac.id/index.php/AutomotiveExperiences/article/view/10907
Flash Point Improvement of Mineral Oil Utilizing Nanoparticles to Reduce Fire Risk in Power Transformers: A Review
link : https://www.mdpi.com/2571-6255/7/9/305
Transfer Function Modeling Approach of Current-Pressure Dynamics in an Annular Type Magnetorheological Valve
link : https://catalog.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp/opac_detail_md/?lang=1&amode=MD100000&bibid=7236871
Damage assessments of designed sandwich cores against an idealized impact loading of ship accidents: experiment-based validated nonlinear finite element approach
link : https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ijsi-02-2024-0026/full/html
Mechanical behavior of designed AH32 steel specimens under tensile loading at low temperatures: Strength and failure assessments based on experimentally verified FE modeling and analysis
link : https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/jmbm-2024-0018/html
Brake-Specific Fuel Consumption Versus Brake Power in E25 Mixed Gasoline Engine
link : https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-97-0106-3_48
Numerical Stress Analysis of Various Aluminum Structures for a Single-Column Small-Scale Tensile Test Machine Purpose
Power Modeling in Rotary Vacuum Evaporator for Meniran Extraction Process